Big Moment for the Future of Biking

Every Seattle neighborhood deserves bike routes that are safe, comfortable, and convenient for people of all ages and abilities. Through advocacy, we’ve made tremendous progress in the city, from building the downtown bike network to creating safe routes to bike to school.

Mayor’s Proposed Transportation Levy Won’t Get us Where We Need to Go

Together with a coalition of advocacy organizations, we are concerned with the Mayor’s proposed transportation levy which fails to address the city’s critical safety and accessibility needs.

The Mayor’s proposed levy:

  • Slashes transit funding by $52 million (30%), accounting for inflation and different levy time periods.
  • Slashes pedestrian funding by $32 million (23%), also adjusted. This funding stream includes the city's critical sidewalk maintenance and ADA programs—essential for enhancing accessibility through crossing improvements and curb ramps — which both face cuts in the proposed levy.
  • Dramatically increases car-focused spending by $189 million (33%), compared to the previous levy.