How to Design Streets for Everyone!

WHO: Everyone interested in safe and livable streets for Seattle! WHEN: Thursday May 3rd, 2012 (6:00-8:00 PM) WHERE: Capitol Hill Library 425 Harvard Avenue East, Seattle WA. Directions RSVP: Please RSVP!

We are thrilled to welcome Michael Hendrix, “Traffic Mike,” at our Thursday April 3rd Neighborhood Greenways Meetup, held at the Capitol Hill Library. Have you run across an intersection that seems impossible to cross? Do you feel that cars are moving too fast to let your kids ride their bikes in the street? Is your elderly neighbor having trouble crossing the street? These are issues that all neighborhoods are facing as they develop low-stress routes to connect people to places. Please join us on Thursday, May 3rd for a discussion on how we can design streets to accommodate all users. We will learn Our guest will be Mike Hendrix who has been working on designing neighborhood greenways and other bike facilities for over 10 years. Some of the work Mike has worked on has been sidewalk design and construction throughout Seattle including the 30th Ave NE sidewalk in the U District which, in addition to helping pedestrians get around, also reduced vehicle speeds by 4 mph. Mike was in charge of SDOT's neighborhood traffic section for a bit and brought speed humps to 42nd Ave NE and chicanes to NE 143rd St. Also, Mike has just finished a study on two signals that SDOT has installed for a proposed greenway along Fremont Ave N. He will share his results with us before presenting this to the Institute of Transportation Engineers District 6 Annual Meeting. Mike is a registered Professional Engineer in both Washington State and Arizona and a certified Professional Traffic Operations Engineer. He has been on committees for pedestrian safety including school zones and crosswalks for the Institute of Transportation Engineers. He has also conducted research on bike facilities, some of which will be included in the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide's new chapter on Neighborhood Greenways. Please join us for this exciting opportunity to become citizen engineers and become more educated advocates for safer streets! If you're interested in Seattle Neighborhood Greenways but can't make this meeting, please be sure to join our mailing list and groups:!/SNgreenways WHY YOU SHOULD COME: Seattle's Neighborhood Greenways movement is attracting many newcomers to bike and pedestrian advocacy who are eager to transform Seattle into a city where everyone can bike and walk safely. Neighborhood Greenways are residential streets with low traffic volumes and speeds where bicycles, pedestrians and neighbors receive priority. To learn more about Greenways development in neighboring Portland, check out this video. We continue to build a coalition at our citywide Greenways meetups to complement the hard work that's already been done to make Seattle one of the nation's most respected cities for bicycling and walking.

  • what tools engineers and planners are using to analyze existing conditions and proposed conditions
  • what traffic engineers need to make decisions
  • how much different tools cost and why
  • what challenges neighborhoods are facing
  • a quick look at other cities and why they work or don't