Design Plans: What Could A New Queen Anne Intersection Look Like?
- July 2, 2014

- extends the curb on the southwest corner
- creates a small area for shrubs and plantings
- maintains two of the three street trees at the corner
- installs a mini plaza with decorative paving and a bench for seating
- maintains the existing sidewalk in its current alignment and adds sidewalk extensions to the new corner

- extends the curb on the southwest corner
- maintains two of the three street trees at the corner
- creates a larger area for plantings and additional street trees
- installs boulder/granite seating within the nature spot
- removes the existing sidewalk and replaces with vegetation / bio swale
- extends the sidewalk to meet the new corner

- extends the curb
- creates space for new plantings / bio swale
- creates a new mini plaza with decorative paving and benches
- creates space that could be used for bike parking
- may displace two car parking spaces