First the good news: After a successful Study Trip to Portland this past summer, where we brought leaders from the City of Seattle, Seattle Parks, Cascade Bicycle Club, and Seattle Neighborhood Greenways to see Portland Sunday Parkways in action, Mayor Ed Murray put more than $320,000 into the Summer Streets budget to " the success of Lake Washington’s Bicycle Sundays to other parts of the City." Yay us! Yay Seattle!
Translation: we might have our own Sunday Parkways-style open street events next summer! If you've never seen this style of street celebration (and even if you have) check out our short video highlighting the many community health, wealth, and happiness benefits of Sunday Parkways:
Pretty cool, right?And now, here's the bad news: The City budget is still in play, and the funding the Mayor proposed is far from secure as Seattle City Councilmembers make their final adjustments and revisions.
But it's not too late to speak up. Don't let the City Council pass up this opportunity to bring a truly amazing series of community events to the City of Seattle! Greenways volunteers have been speaking up for this as well as other safe streets funding at recent City Council meetings.Contact your city councilmembers today and let them know you support the additional money in the Summer Streets budget! Thanks!