Entries for date "October 2014"

What's the most important acronym on Seattle streets?

click here for ROWIM community comments click here for ROWIM community comments The Seattle ROWIM or Right Of Way Improvement Manual may be the most important acronym guiding the development of Seattle streets today. How wide are sidewalks required to be? Where can driveways go? What sorts of street lighting do developers need to provide around new condo buildings? These questions are always important, but they are of critical importance now. You might be forgiven for …

Should you be lit up like an airport runway to cross the street?

by Glen Buhlman, Kirkland Greenways October 17, 2014 Should you need to be lit up like an airport runway in order to cross a street without getting hit by a car? Be_Safe_Be_Seen_Day_Release_5.jpg.662x0_q100_crop-scalePublic Domain Road Safety Authority Ireland This expectation is becoming common in our region. Rather than focus on the lack of safety on our streets and committing the required funding and staff resources to engineer safer streets, we too …

Illegal Tree Cutting? Contact hotlines to find out!

by Peter Steinbrueck October 2014 Have you witnessed the cutting down of mature trees in your neighborhood and wondered if it was legally permitted? It's pretty shocking to watch, and see outside your windows, where there was once a beautiful living mature tree canopy. You can help!10635709_10204139440979541_1701764516291994666_n The City of Seattle has numbers you can call to report any potentially unlawful tree cutting, either on public or private property. This …