Ballard Greenways Wins the 2014 Amazing Advocacy Award
- Dec. 15, 2014

- Seattle Sunday Parkways: Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, Mayor Ed Murray, Andrew Glass-Hastings, Mark Ostrow, Bob Edmiston, PBOT Active Transportation & many others.
- City Budget Advocates: Barbara Gordon and Hank, Beth Mondzac, Bob Hall, Brie Gyncild, Deb Salls, Don Brubeck, Eldan Goldenberg, Ellen Butzel, Ian Eisenberg, John O’Neil, Julee Neuhart, Justin Martin, Kari Olson, Kathy Dunn, Kevin Lugo, Lionel Job, Lydia Heard, Megan Horst, Merlin Rainwater, Michael Herschensohn, Mike Perfetti, Robin Randels, Selena Carsiotis, Silas Bean, Susan Gleason, and Suzi Zook. Over 23 people representing SNG showed up and testified at three Seattle City Council budget hearings to keep funding for safe streets projects. Thank you!