Entries for date "2014"

Re-engineering a safety corridor on PARK(ing) Day

A few of the harworking and happy Park(ing) Day crew. A few of the hardworking and happy Park(ing) Day crew. University Greenways and NE Greenways teamed up for the September 19th PARK(ing) Day to create a successful pilot of a safer street, bridge, and corridor for people who walk, bike, and drive. The design was so well-produced that Seattle City Traffic Engineer Dongho Chang and SDOT Director Scott Kubly blogged about it and vowed to explore the design for future …

PARK(ing) Day Makes Places for People

September 22, 2014 Cathy Tuttle, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways Executive Director I LOVE PARK(ing) Day! This nationally celebrated civic holiday fully embodies the foundation of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways: Streets really are places for people. This year I traveled with a few friends to about 30 of the 50 PARK(ing) Day spaces open 9-3 on September 19. It's worth noting that our local Greenways-affiliated groups stepped up this year to be part …

Honoring the Victims: Sher Kung, Rebecca Scollard, Caleb Shoop

Honor the victims. Mobilize for Safer Streets. Educate for Traffic Safety. Kung Scollard ShoopOn Sept. 5 more than 400 people gathered for a Memorial Bike Ride in downtown Seattle to honor the life of Sher Kung. An attorney and new mother, Kung was hit and killed by a truck driver while biking down 2nd Ave. — just ten days before the new 2nd Ave. protected bike lane was installed. The Memorial Ride, …

Two Minutes of Your Time Could Provide Millions of Dollars for Safe Streets

Photo courtesy of 401(K) 2012 / Flickr. Photo courtesy of 401(K) 2012 / Flickr. Can two minutes of your time secure millions of dollars for safe streets? It's not as crazy as it sounds. The Seattle City Council will pass a budget this fall, and by showing up to a meeting and speaking for just two minutes, you can help ensure that our City will fund a future of safe streets for you, your family, and your …