Signals, Sidewalks, and Sports
- gordon
- Nov. 20, 2018

The Setback
As you may have heard, the Seattle City Council unfortunately diverted nearly $3 million that would have gone to increase funding safe routes to schools into the "general fund" to pay for other priorities. This funding would have helped children at 25 schools across Seattle walk to class safely by investing in projects like enhanced crosswalks, traffic calming, and walkways. Instead these projects will be delayed, adding to the 300-year backlog of sidewalk projects. But thanks to our advocacy, Councilmembers O'Brien and Herbold indicated that they would like revisit this issue in the spring. We will continue to advocate to adequately fund safe routes to school and sidewalks, so if you have a connection with a school community or PTA please let know. Read more in the Seattle times: "Seattle budget proposal: Divert $2.7 million in red-light fines from safe-school projects"