Today is Giving Tuesday -- Your Opportunity to Give!
- Nov. 27, 2018

Because of you, Seattle’s becoming a better city for biking & walking!
As we think about what we’re most grateful for this season, it’s you.
You, and neighbors like you, give your time, energy, and creativity to making Seattle a better city. Whether you’re supporting the Seattle Neighborhood Greenways coalition with your presence at community meetings, advocating for change, helping with hands-on projects, or donating financially -- you’re the heart of this safe streets movement.
And because of you, the Seattle Neighborhood Greenways coalition has been achieving a lot this past year -- just one major success after another:
- An official Basic Bike Network resolution that puts Seattle on the path to completing essential east-west and north-south connections by the end of 2019
- Funding for a Home Zone pilot, an innovative and cost-effective solution to create safe spaces to walk, particularly in neighborhoods without sidewalks
- And upgraded crosswalk signals that will get people safely across Martin Luther King, Jr Way to the light rail stations in Rainier Valley.
But we’re far from done. Seattle is still a long ways from being the safe city to walk and bike in that we dream of.
That's why Seattle Neighborhood Greenways' Board of Directors and the local Bowline Fund have boldly stepped up to match your gifts 2-to-1 this fall, as we head into our busiest season of citywide organizing yet.
Your financial support will help us keep moving the city in the right direction. Please consider taking just a moment to make a gift of any size today.
When you donate to Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, you’re helping accelerate safe streets solutions in Seattle. Your support makes it possible for SNG to:
- Champion safe routes for kids to walk and bike to school
- Work for safe routes to walk and bike to transit hubs
- Advocate for walking and biking projects with historically underserved communities
- Organize for a bike network that connects to every neighborhood
With your support, we know that “safe streets for all” is more than just a hopeful vision -- it’s a future that we all, working together as concerned neighbors and proactive communities, can make possible. Thank you for considering a one-time or monthly donation this #GivingTuesday.
In gratitude for all you do to help make Seattle a city that all people can walk, bike, move, and thrive in,
-- Gordon, Clara, and Susan at Seattle Neighborhood Greenways
Truly any gift amount will help. And, thanks to a collective double-match by our Board of Directors and the Bowline Fund, your donation this year will go three times as far!
Seattle Neighborhood Greenways 220 2nd Ave S #100
Seattle, WA 98104
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All gifts to Seattle Neighborhood Greenways are 100% tax deductible. Please support our ability to advocate for and activate our safe, healthy streets now! And thank you!