Connect with our 2019 Campaigns!
- clara
- April 22, 2019

Accessible Mt. Baker
The Mt Baker light rail station is currently divided from the bus station and Franklin High School by one of the most intimidating intersections in the city. The Accessible Mt. Baker plan envisions the intersection of Rainier Ave and MLK transformed to create a sustainable, affordable, and accessible neighborhood for all. Sign up to learn more about the campaign, or learn about Mt. Baker Hub Alliance, our neighborhood partners. How to get involved: Sign up or show up to a Rainier Valley Greenways meeting, which happen on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6 PM at BikeWorks' office (3715 S Hudson St).Fix Rainier Ave

Beacon Ave Trail

Georgetown to South Park Trail
Georgetown and South Park are two neighborhoods that each have daily necessities that the other lacks, but remain divided by a dangerous road. We’ll work with local organizers to advocate for the creation of a trail that connects people in these communities to where they need to go.
How to get involved: Sign up or show up to Duwamish Valley Safe Street's meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (see our calendar for details).
Duwamish Longhouse Trail Connection

Build the Basic Bike Network

Lake2Bay & Thomas St
Thomas St in South Lake Union will soon be re-knitted over highway 99, providing an opportunity to create a green, peaceful refuge amongst the hustle and bustle of downtown that connects people walking and biking from the Cascade P-Patch to the Seattle Center and the Waterfront. In 2019, we’ll rekindle the effort to realize the potential of Thomas St. How to get involved: Sign up. Do you have connections to employers or property owners along Thomas St? Let's chat!Eastlake Ave Multimodal Corridor
In 2019 we’ll support neighborhood advocates who want to make Eastlake Ave a safer and more comfortable place to walk and bike. How to get involved: Sign up.Pedestrianize the Ave

Get Around Green Lake
Get Around Green Lake will connect the people to where they want to go by advocating for better bike lanes and crosswalks to make it easier to walk and bike around Green Lake.
How to get involved: Sign up or show up to a Green Lake Wallingford Safe Streets meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (see our calendar for details).
Home Zones
Every neighborhood should be safe to walk in. In 2019 we’ll help the city pilot two Home Zones that will make entire neighborhoods safer and more comfortable to walk in. Learn more about Home Zones.
How to get involved: Sign up or show up to Greenwood-Phinney Greenways meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 at Couth Buzzard Books (see our calendar for details).
Citywide Campaigns:
Safe Routes to School
Every child deserves to be able to walk and bike to school safely and comfortably. In 2019 we’ll be working with ten school communities to advocate for more safe routes to school funding, policies that prioritize walking and biking, and more crossing guards.
How to get involved: Sign up. Do you have connections to your local Seattle Public School? Let's chat!
Sane Signals

Sidewalk Funding