Supporting Housing For All

- gordon
- March 17, 2023
Great cities know that the best transportation plan is a great land use plan. When places people can afford to live are within walking or biking distance to where they need to go — many people will walk and bike (when it is safe and comfortable to do so). This is the idea behind the “15 Minute City” concept you may have heard about.
That’s why this year the SNG coalition has decided to support three pivotal moments in shaping Seattle’s land use and housing:
- We started by supporting the social housing ballot measure, which recently passed!
- We also endorsed “missing middle” legislation, which is currently being considered at the Washington State Legislature. This bill would legalize more housing near transit. Learn more and take action at Or jump to the latest action alert from our friends at Futurewise (as of March 22nd).
- We have been working with our partners to support more housing and create a 15 Minute City in the update of Seattle’s land use plan, which is called the Comprehensive Master Plan.
Because these efforts are being led by our partners, we are able to show up and support their efforts at key moments to create equitable land us and housing policies for everybody. Together we can create a city where people can afford to live in walkable and bikeable neighborhoods!
If you’re curious about what else we are working on in 2023, check out our annual priorities.