Celebrating 2023 Construction Projects

- JoshHolland
- Dec. 22, 2023
Lots of exciting construction projects starting this year, and even more are coming in 2024!
Thanks to delays, Seattle has 2 years to build 47 miles of bike lanes. Get ready!
Below is a list of what's been completed this year and a few exciting projects starting construction in the new year.
Projects Completed in 2023
- 1-90 Trail Connection to the Rainier Valley: The long-awaited connection between the Rainier Valley neighborhood greenway and the I-90 trail is now built and functional! This represents many years of advocacy from Rainier Valley Greenways-Safe Streets and Central Seattle Greenways. The short trail connects the only north-south bike route for people of all ages and abilities that runs through the Rainier Valley to the rest of Seattle’s bicycle network for the first time.
- Duwamish Trail Completion: Construction of the W Marginal Way trail connection was completed in April thanks to years of advocacy by the Duwamish Tribe, West Seattle Bike Connections, and Duwamish Valley Safe Streets. This long-delayed project closes the gap in the Duwamish Trail connecting to the Duwamish Longhouse, blue-collar jobs, parks, and more. Data from the Seattle Dept. of Transportation (SDOT) shows that it has already resulted in a 53% increase in weekend biking, a 144% increase in weekday biking, a more than 90% increase in people walking, and less than one second of delay to vehicle traffic.
- Pedestrian Improvements on Beacon Hill: Beacon Hill Safe Streets celebrated pedestrian improvements along 15th Ave S including speed cushions, a new all-way stop at the intersection of 14th Ave S, 15th Ave S, and Golf Dr S, and curb bulbs. These near-term safety improvements are a part of the larger Beacon Ave Safety Project that is expected next year, including more pedestrian improvements and protected bike lanes
- Safe Routes to School: SDOT completed a total of 21 Safe Routes to School projects across the city, including new all-way stops, crosswalks, speed humps, and curb bulbs which help kids safely walk, roll, and bike to school. Highlights include pedestrian improvements near Wing Luke Elementary, including a new sidewalk going up the hill with a midblock raised crossing, lighting, seating, and student artwork, a new bike connection to the Chief Sealth Trail, as well as a block of 1-way only traffic just east of the school, and new sidewalks on S Rose St connecting to Dunlap Elementary
- Pedestrian Streets: A half a block of Pike St near Pike Place Market was pedestrianized and closed to vehicle traffic.
- Access to Transit: SDOT completed safety improvements and sidewalk upgrades along the Route 44 corridor alongside bus lanes and roadway changes thanks to advocacy from Ballard Fremont Greenways.
- Pedestrian Improvements: SDOT installed almost 17 blocks of new sidewalks, completed 25 crossing improvements, repaired over 26 blocks of sidewalks, and repainted 1,600 crosswalks across the city which will make getting around walking or rolling immeasurably safer and easier. Highlights include:
- New sidewalks on 28th Ave S between S Massachusetts St and MLK Jr Way S
- New sidewalks on S Henderson St from 39th Ave S to 41st Ave S
- New sidewalks on S Othello St between Beacon Ave S and the IDIC Filipino Senior & Family Center, after many years of community advocacy
- Safety improvements at N 130th St and Ashworth Ave N, a busy intersection near Ingraham High School
Currently Under Construction
- Judkins Park Connections: SDOT broke ground on the Judkins Connection Bike Lanes on MLK Way S this year, with construction expected to be complete in 2024. This safe connection for people walking and biking between Mount Baker and the new Judkins Park Station will dramatically improve accessibility in the area.
- Seattle’s first “Protected Intersection”: As part of the Thomas St Redefined project in South Lake Union, SDOT installed Seattle’s first "protected intersection" at Thomas St and Dexter Ave N, which includes a diverter in the middle of the intersection and four wedges around the outside that will provide a buffer between people walking or biking and vehicle traffic. This is the intersection where a Seattle police officer traveling 74 mph struck and killed Jaahnavi Kandula in a crosswalk in January of 2023. The project also includes a new pedestrian plaza across the street from MoPop and the Space Needle and a new pathway connecting SLU and Uptown
- Better Bike Lane Barriers: In response to Seattle Neighborhood Greenways advocacy, SDOT launched a pilot program replacing plastic flex posts with concrete barriers to better protect people in bike lanes from vehicle traffic. The first pilot locations were finally installed on a few short blocks of Columbian Way S and NE 40th St in the University District. The next lanes slated for upgrading in 2024 are 4th Ave in downtown, Dearborn Ave S, and the Swift/Myrtle/Othello route in south Seattle.

Coming in 2024
We’re expecting a TON of huge projects in 2024 that will transform our city’s bike network.
- Bike Safety in the Duwamish Valley: The long-awaited Georgetown to South Park Connection after more than a year of delay, is expected to begin in March 2024. This route represents years of community advocacy from Duwamish Valley Safe Streets. Connecting further south by bike will remain challenging as the Green River Trail connection to South Park, originally expected to start construction in 2021, has now been delayed again by King County and will not be complete until 2027.
- Bike Safety in SODO: The Georgetown to Downtown bike connection through SODO is also expected to begin construction in June 2024, massively improving safety for people biking in the Duwamish Valley.
- Safe Bike Route on Beacon Hill: The Beacon Hill Bike Route will continue the protected bike lanes across the Jose Rizal Bridge south along the spine of Beacon Hill, providing direct access to the library, transit, businesses, and schools. After years of citywide advocacy, construction was expected to begin in early 2023 but was delayed to May 2024 due to neighborhood concerns about loss of parking.
- Safe Bike Route in Roosevelt: Construction is expected to begin in February 2024 on new protected bike lanes on 11th Ave NE & 12th Ave NE, alongside repaired sidewalks and curb ramps, and improved crosswalks and traffic signals.
- Rapid Ride J and Eastlake Ave Bike Lanes: Ten years in the making, construction is expected to begin in August 2024 on the Rapid Ride J corridor, including protected bike lanes along Eastlake Ave.
- Alaskan Way Waterfront Trail: The southern part of this route is already under construction, and in August 2024, SDOT will complete the half-mile gap completing the connection to the Elliot Bay Trail. Huge thanks to Downtown Seattle Greenways for advocacy ensuring that the trail will be convenient and intuitive for people on bikes.
- Bike Safety in SODO: Protected bike lanes and a shared-use pathway along E Marginal Way will dramatically improve safety for people biking from the industrial district and the West Seattle Bridge and will connect to the waterfront trail. Construction is expected to begin in January 2024.
- Connections to Light Rail: In 2024, SDOT will begin paving, redesigning the road from four to three lanes, and adding bike lanes on N 130th St, connecting people to the future 130th St light rail station.
- 6th Ave NW: SDOT will begin construction on the 6th Ave NW Neighborhood Greenway. The 6th Ave NW Neighborhood Greenway will connect West Woodland Elementary School and the existing neighborhood greenway on NW 58th St. Additionally, SDOT will be making crossing improvements on Leary Way NW at NW 43rd St.