Entries for date "2025"

10 Construction Projects That Will Transform Seattle’s Streets in 2025

Last year, our advocacy for a strong Seattle Transportation Plan and a Transportation Levy big enough to fund it paid off!

This month, the City Council removed the hold on levy funding they placed last fall. That means the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) now has access to all the levy funding we voted for last fall – the largest investment ever in walking, biking, placemaking, and safety.

With levy …

Update on SDOT's Levy Spend Plan

Thanks to our advocacy efforts, Seattle’s biggest investment in its streets is about to begin.

SDOT just released their 2025 Transportation Levy Delivery Plan which details which projects levy funds will help build.


The Seattle Transportation Levy, which we helped pass last November, included historic funding levels for safety, pedestrian, and bike projects, and more. Put together with the 2024 Transportation Plan, SDOT now lists which projects should be …

Building on Momentum: Seattle Neighborhood Greenways’ 2025 Priorities

As we enter the new year, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways is excited to share our 2025 priorities for the year ahead. Building on 2024’s progress, we’re expanding our focus to include housing and equitable neighborhood design, all while continuing our mission to make every neighborhood a great place to walk, bike, and roll.

Here’s what we’re focusing on in 2025, why it matters, and how you can get involved.

Key …

Building a Safer, Greener, and More Walkable Seattle: Our Vision for the Comprehensive Plan

Dear Mayor Harrell and Director Quirindongo,

Seattle Neighborhood Greenways would like to offer the following perspective on how the Comprehensive Master Plan update can make every neighborhood a great place to walk, bike, and live.

Increase Walkability

Seattleites love walkable neighborhoods (source). Walking makes us healthier, happier, and more connected to our neighbors through spontaneous interactions (source, source). All of Seattle could become walkable with …