Today is Giving Tuesday -- Your Opportunity to Give!

Because of you, Seattle’s becoming a better city for biking & walking!


As we think about what we’re most grateful for this season, it’s you.

You, and neighbors like you, give your time, energy, and creativity to making Seattle a better city. Whether you’re supporting the Seattle Neighborhood Greenways coalition with your presence at community meetings, advocating for change, helping with hands-on projects, or donating financially -- you’re the …

5 Key South Seattle Projects

As part of our ongoing commitment to transportation equity, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways partners with communities that are at the greatest risk from unsafe roads and air quality hazards. In these most-impacted neighborhoods our hyper-local coalitions have won dozens of improved crosswalks, miles of bike routes, and improved access to schools, jobs, and transit.

Community leaders in South Seattle are making huge strides against considerable challenges:

Three people smile in front of a festively decorated DVSS booth at a summer festival.1) Georgetown - South Park …

Signal changes make it safer to walk to and from Light Rail in Rainier Valley

Story by Robert Getch, Beacon Hill Safe Streets Most of Seattle is still waiting for our signature regional transportation system, Link Light Rail, to reach their neighborhoods, but residents in Rainier Valley and Beacon Hill have been boarding Link daily since 2009. Unique among all of the present and planned Link routes, the Link route through Rainier Valley runs at grade in the center of MLK Jr. Way, which severely …

Signals, Sidewalks, and Sports

Dear safe streets supporters, I want to let you know that we won funding for an innovative pedestrian solution called Home Zones, a walking and biking route to the Sonics arena, and fought and stopped the spread of signals that only prioritize cars! But unfortunately, safe routes to schools did not receive a much needed boost in funding. Yesterday, the Seattle City Council approved changes to Mayor's proposed budget and …

Speak up for Sidewalks and Schoolkids!

Friends, Did you see the news this week that nearly $3 million that would have funded sidewalks and crosswalks for schools has been siphoned into the city’s “general fund”? This funding would have helped children at 25 schools across Seattle walk to class safely by investing in projects like enhanced crosswalks, traffic calming, and walkways. Instead these projects will be delayed, adding to the 300-year backlog of sidewalk projects. …