10 Ways You Can Help Move Seattle For Our Kids
- June 1, 2015
We need YOU to speak for increasing funding for Safe Routes To School in the proposed $930 million transportation levy. This is our best chance to make all schools safe to walk and bike in the next nine years.
Here are 10 ways you can help get money for Safe Routes To School in the next few weeks:
- June 2nd: Speak for two minutes at the Public Hearing on Tuesday June 2 5:30pm. City Hall.
- Stand behind someone who is bravely speaking up for a Move Seattle Levy for Our Kids on Tuesday.
- Join the KIdical Mass Ride to City Hall on June 2 4pm at South Lake Union Park.
- Call individual City Councilmembers you might know (phone numbers here).
- Read about why we think Move Seattle For Our Kids is so important.
- Send email to the Council council@seattle.gov
- Send snail mail (yes! this is great! especially with kids artwork)
- Write a blog post about Safe Routes for Kids and post it on social media listing the Council.
- Talk to parents at your PTSA or on the playground about taking action.
- Donate to Seattle Neighborhood Greenways to support our outreach & advocacy work.