Act now to pass the nation's best transportation package!


Get Ready for Action to Move All Seattle Sustainably!

We've been waiting years to pass legislation this exciting. We don't know what the Seattle City Council will look like next year, so we're working with allies to pass the nation's best transportation package now — see below for more details. You can make it happen.

Please take a moment to send the Mayor and Seattle City Council an email …

Best part of my bike commute? The smells.

BikeRiderCitySceneWithBus (2)   By Tom Lang, co-leader of Green Lake & Wallingford Safe Streets   One of the best parts of commuting by bike is whizzing past a long line of cars stuck in traffic. I love that. But—hands down⁠—⁠the very best part of my commute is the smells. Once upon a time, not too long ago, my commute from the far side of Fremont to the U District was along the …

MASS Coalition hosts Seattle City Council Candidate Forums ⁠— Video and Transcripts now available

A crowded room of people sitting facing a panel of candidates at the front of the room. The Move All Seattle Sustainably (MASS) Coalition, of which Seattle Neighborhood Greenways is a part, hosted five forums recently, asking candidates for Seattle City Council tough questions about transportation, housing, and sustainability. You can watch the forums or read transcripts here, with special thanks to Rooted in Rights and Disability Rights Washington, or find a general summary of the five forums here from the Urbanist. (Don’t know which district …

Community mourns death of Jesse Gurnett and looks for solutions on Lake City Way

Article written by Janine Blaeloch, a leader with Lake City Greenways, SNG's local chapter in the neighborhood. 

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset Candy holds a picture of her son Jesse.   On March 29, 2019, 32-year-old Jesse Gurnett, a lifelong Lake City resident, was struck by a speeding driver in the crosswalk at NE 127th Street and Lake City Way—on his way home, and just steps away from Value Village, where he worked. Jesse died …

Bicycle Implementation Plan Update: Good Project List, Incomplete Funding

The mayor’s latest bicycle plan adds critical projects, but leaves them unfunded. Join us at the Ride4SafeSteets this Sunday, and send a letter to elected officials to call for completing the network. Act Now! button At the end of April, the Mayor released a draft 2019-2024 Bicycle Implementation Plan outlining projects to be built through the end of the Move Seattle Levy. The plan drastically cut the connected network that the original …