The Promise of Seattle Boulevards

The Promise of Seattle Boulevards is a 2016 workshop and report from Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, supported by Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation (SPR), the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON), and the Friends of Seattle’s Olmsted Parks (FSOP). The recommendations of this group centered on the best use of current boulevards and a design framework to help to determine how boulevards can function equitably as …

More funding for safe streets in City Budget. Thank you!

Here’s something to be thankful for today: Seattle City Council passed the final version of the 2017 budget with some fantastic improvements thanks to your support!

Exciting budget additions include

  • $1 million to fix Rainier Ave S - the most dangerous street in the city, and an acceleration of funding for the exciting Accessible Mt Baker project.
  • Funding to create a North Beacon Hill Multimodal Transportation Study to allow much …

Park Advocates Leverage Private Development on First Hill

first-hill-park-2016-5214 First Hill is a growing urban neighborhood woefully short of adequate open space. High property values have made acquisition of traditional park property difficult. To address these challenges, the First Hill Public Realm Action Plan was created. One element of the PRAP included adaptive reuse of right-of-way into public open space in the form of Seattle's first two pavement parks. The Pavement Parks are located at the intersections of University …

World Day of Remembrance Seattle

World Day of Remembrance is a UN affiliated world-wide event to commemorate victims of traffic violence   Vision Zero Seattle, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways and other local groups are taking part: Memorial Gathering at City Hall Thursday, November 17th 2016 at NOON City Hall lobby 5th & Cherry Distribute silhouettes to put up locally. Hear from first responders and from families whose loved ones were killed in Seattle traffic. ALL …