Safe Crossings for Kids

Kids CrossingEditors Note: University Of Washington students Qiren Lu & Ranju Uezono studied four  intersections in Seattle School Walk Zones to see if drivers stopped for people crossing at  crosswalks. Their findings were alarming. Motorist  compliance rate ranged from 15% to 34%, low figures compared to the national average. In other words, in marked crosswalks in school zones, only 3 in 10 people driving cars fully stopped for people walking …

Small Fixes, Big Wins In Ballard

Cathy Tuttle April 23, 2015 Newly installed Leary & NW 43rd Bike Signal Newly installed Leary & NW 43rd Bike Signal Small fixes can mean big wins! Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) just added a new, safer connection across Leary Way near the 6th Ave NW corridor. Connecting 6th Ave NW to the Burke Gilman Trail and to the existing Ballard Greenway is the top priority for Greenways groups in City Council District 6 that covers Fremont and …

Seattle Neighborhood Greenways throws in the towel

Gordon Padelford April 1, 2015 Seattle Neighborhood Greenways has grown from a scrappy group of six neighbors who met in a church basement in 2011, to an advocacy powerhouse with 20 groups and hundreds of volunteers who influence how millions of dollars are invested in safe street improvements. But, we have decided it is time to throw in the towel. "It was a difficult decision" says Cathy Tuttle the Executive …