Safety Over Speeding: Rainier Day of Action May 20


  • What: Join the Day of Action! An event to raise awareness and build support for a safer Rainier Ave S. Join a crosswalk action, help collect petition signatures, post flyers, take portraits of supporters, or sign a Get Well Soon Rainier Ave card. However you want to be involved, we could use your help!
  • When: Wednesday May 20th from 5:30-7:30 PM (5:30-6:30 main …

More Than Just Greenways: Lake City Greenways Leads The Way

Lake City Crosswalk action Lake City Greenways Crosswalk Action With SDOT May 1, 2015 Lake City Greenways exemplifies the civic-mindedness and good transportation decisions local Seattle Neighborhood Greenways groups all over Seattle are becoming known for. In the past two years, Lake City Greenways has added a pocket park in the street right-of-way, worked with several UW classes on urban development ideas, helped Seattle Department of Transportation on road safety awareness on Lake …

Move Seattle For Our Kids

Cathy Tuttle, Executive Director, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways April 24, 2015 The $930 million Levy puts just $7 million toward Safe Routes to School. We can do better. Let's use this opportunity for significant investments for our kids. Safe Routes for Kids If you own a house, you need to clean the gutters and occasionally replace the roof or the whole place falls down. That's what 67% of the Move Seattle Levy is doing — …

April News from District 5

Editors Note: Two of the most active groups in the Seattle Neighborhood Greenways coalition are Lake City Greenways and Licton Haller Greenways. Without further ado, her is an update from Janine Blealoch the co-leader of Lake City Greenways followed by an update from Lee Bruch the interim leader of Licton-Haller Greenways.  Lake City
Lake City Greenways received a matching fund grant for 30% design and construction drawings for the …

Exciting projects pass East District Council

E District 2015 NPSF Click the map to zoom in Wow! Of the seven grants submitted by neighborhood greenway groups or their allies to Seattle's Neighborhood Park and Street Fund six were prioritized by the East District Council for further review. Here they are in order or priority:
  1. Lake Washington Loop Greenway segment design was requested by Jerry Fulks of Arboretum for Safer Streets, a group affiliated with Madison Park Greenways.
  2. E Denny Way …