Welcome to the neighborhood, Pronto Cycle Share! With 50 stations in Downtown Seattle, Capitol Hill, and the U-District, the new bike share system is an awesome way to make short trips around town. Pronto Cycle Share is already getting a lot of use—in the first week, Seattleites made some 500 trips per day.
Photo courtesy of PubliCola
We're excited to see more bikes on the roads, but we're even …
First the good news: After a successful Study Trip to Portland this past summer, where we brought leaders from the City of Seattle, Seattle Parks, Cascade Bicycle Club, and Seattle Neighborhood Greenways to see Portland Sunday Parkways in action, Mayor Ed Murray put more than $320,000 into the Summer Streets budget to " the success of Lake Washington’s Bicycle Sundays to other parts of the City." Yay us! Yay …
Rainier Valley Greenways community meeting November 2012
For the third year in a row, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways has received the prestigious National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance award(RTCA).
In 2012 and 2013, Rainier Valley Greenways had the pleasure of working with the experienced staff of the RTCA in planning and prioritizing Rainier Valley traffic safety improvements. The RTCA was instrumental in helping the growing Rainier Valley Greenways …
by Cathy Tuttle
October 28, 2014
What's black and white and gray all over?
Lake City Greenwaysvolunteer Monica Sweet was impressed with the speed bumps she'd seen in other neighborhoods. She wanted slower, safer streets where she lived on NE 123rd in Lake City. With no sidewalks and drivers that seemed to rip through her neighborhood at high speeds, speed bumps seemed to offer a simple, inexpensive yet effective …
May 2013 crash 35th/Roxbury. Photo by Christopher Boffoli/West Seattle Blog/used with permission.
James St. Clairwas the latest in a long and sad list of pedestrian and bicycle fatalities along 35th Ave SW. Seattle Neighborhood Greenways led a Memorial Walk and Solutions Meeting for Mr. St. Clair in January 2014.
1,065 crashes in 10 years on a three mile stretch of four-lane road lined mainly with single family homes …