Imagine a Pedestrianized Ave

Can you imagine "The Ave"(aka University Way Northeast) in the University District being open only to people walking or the occasional delivery trucks dropping off business supplies? The community can! This is just one exciting result of months of meetings, surveys, one-on-one outreach, and planning workshops. Opening The Ave, as the proposed pedestrian-only zone is being referred towould create more space cafe seating in the street, open-air markets, …

New Bike Parking Regs for the Win!

Images and story courtesy of Bicycle Security Advisors. There can only be as many people biking as there are safe, convenient, and accessible places to lock-up their bikes at destinations. Every year, more people are biking in Seattle, and that means we need to support them with new, better standards that will help ensure this growth continues over the next decade. Fortunately, on April 2, the Seattle City Council …

Supporting Local Economies: A Shiny New Crosswalk for the Georgetown Business District!

Photos and story by Jesse Moore, Duwamish Valley Safe Streets. Last month, Georgetown neighbors and business owners gathered with Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) staff to celebrate the completion of a new signal and marked crosswalk at Airport Way South and South Doris Street, in the heart of this popular South End arts and culture hub.  DVSSGeorgetownCrosswalkpeoplewalkingtowardscamera DVSSGeorgetownCrosswalkPeopleCrossing According to Georgetown Merchant Association Chairman, Larry Reid (of the legendary Fantagraphics Books …