Meet the New Team Members!

We've added some new faces over the past nine months at Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, and we couldn't be more excited. By way of introduction, we've asked our newest recruits a few questions about what drives their passion for safe streets / public spaces work in Seattle.

 Meet Clara Cantor, our new Community Organizer!

Joined SNG in March 2018. clara

How do you enjoy the public spaces in your neighborhood?  

I have …

Thank You, Seattle Parks Foundation -- It's Time for Us to Leave the Nest! 

April 26th, 2018 marked a major milestone in the history of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways. Our success is your success. We simply couldn't have made it here without the interest, engagement, volunteer effort, passion, partnerships, snappy tweets, and financial support that so many of you have provided from our earliest days of feisty advocacy in 2011. Gordon Padelford's letter, below, tells the story.    Dear Friends, We want you to be …

Tell the city: Build the Basic Bike Network now!

Safe bike lanes downtown are in jeopardy. We need your help to demonstrate support for building the #BasicBikeNetwork now by showing up at the Seattle City Council Transportation Committee meeting this Tuesday! RSVP and learn more. Downtown bikingWhat’s the Basic Bike Network? It’s a vision for a connected network of safe streets to bike on, not just disconnected pieces here and there. When the #BasicBikeNetwork is built, the city expects …

Advocacy Alert: Safer bike lanes downtown are in jeopardy

Urgent: Safer bike lanes downtown are in jeopardy. Click here to send a message to government leaders who are on the fence about whether to go forward with protected bike lanes on 4th Ave downtown. When protected bike lanes were added to 2nd Ave following the tragic death of Sher Kung, not only did 2nd Ave become much safer but the number of people biking jumped dramatically and just increased …

Your gift will help connect all of Seattle's neighborhoods

“As a child, I walked along train tracks due to there not being sidewalks over to South Park to get the supplies and services we needed.”

—Rosario Medina, lifelong resident of Georgetown

As someone who supports Seattle Neighborhood Greenways’ grassroots advocacy work for safer and more equitable walking and biking access around the city, you’ve probably experienced how difficult it can be to simply get from one neighborhood to another …