What Did Your Council Candidate Say About Safe Streets?

by Cathy Tuttle, July 16, 2015 I got my ballot in the mail today! If you live in Seattle and are registered to vote, you will get to choose two at-large City Council candidates, and one Council candidate who represents your District.  For the past year, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways has been organizing its advocacy priorities, local groups and volunteers by District as well. We believe District elections will significantly change …

Right-of-Way Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights

Cathy Tuttle July 4 2015 Cross-posted with The Urbanist

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, whether they are rich or poor, black or white, young or old, and that we are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  

  1. We the people recognize that the ownership or use of a private vehicle does not imply …

Respect Gayborhood With Safe Streets, Not Rainbow Crosswalks

Eli Goldberg June 25, 2015
(Eli is a former leader of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways who remains committed to safe streets advocacy)
Our brand-new rainbow crosswalks in Capitol Hill have received dozens of well-deserved news articles, garnering nationwide coverage. Kudos to the City for starting to treat Capitol Hill's streets as …

Seattle Comprehensive Plan 2035

Cathy Tuttle June 24, 2015 (published originally in The Urbanist on 6/17/15) Northwest Seattle Mode split expectations Seattle 2035. Northwest Seattle Mode Split Expectations Seattle 2035 A week ago I sat down after work in a Pioneer Square pub with five young men to discuss the Transportation Element and Transportation Appendix of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Seattle 2035, Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan for growth over the next 20 years. These are smart, responsible young men, …

Underfunded Equity Priority: Safe Routes to School

Click to listen to CIty Council testimony. Begins at 13.50. Click to listen to CIty Council testimony. Begins at 13.50. Douglas MacDonald June 4, 2015 WA State Secretary of Transportation, 2001 – 2007 Key considerations that support the position offered in public comment to the Seattle City Council of May 29, 2015 that a large increase should be made in the proposed allocation to the Safe Routes to School Program.

The Proposed “Move Seattle” Transportation Levy Should Significantly Increase Its …